My Route

Originally, Zhirong Xu wasn’t a computer person at all. It is reasonable. She came from a small village, wherein the morning, crystal pearls will dangle on the long slender leaves; at night, the dazzling galaxy embraces people. She chases tadpoles in the hurry creek after a rainy day, and caterpillars will pour down like raindrops in the summertime. After dinner, everybody leans on the red wooden recliner, facing the moon, letting breezes stroke through their ears, drinking dragon well green tea, and chats about their day. She has zero knowledge about computer-related art forms, either 2d or 3d. Oil painting and sketching were her mediums to illustrate her life and passion. To Zhirong, 3d film and games were like magic. So it is a miracle that she is now a senior student majoring in computer art at SVA.

Ever since childhood, Tom and Jerry have been Zhirong’s favorite animation film. Tom and Jerry is also the buried seed that later inspired her to pursue 3D animation. However, she never thought of becoming a 3D animator in her freshman year. Her first year in SVA was tough. As a person who had never performed any art on technology, she struggled. Like a lost fisherman on the sea, waves were transversing, wobbling boats, clueless, where is the lighthouse. It was her 3rd year when she finally got comfortable with the software and was able to produce art creatively. She starts to explore the various role in 3D art. Currently, she is a generalist focused on modeling, texturing, and animation. Zhirong is familiar with software like Maya, Substance Painter, Protool, Photoshop, Nuke, and Zbrush.